Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Something weird happened last night.
I sort of wish I could have filmed myself sleeping. 
All I know is I slept like a log, but woke up feeling like I got hit by a semi, every time I move my joints pop. And the pajama pants I was wearing when I fell asleep were no longer on me, I found them wrapped around my right arm. And my retainer was under my back. And it took me 30 mins to hear my alarm.
And I’m still disoriented.
Also, my usually very neat bedding looked like this (betcha can't guess what side is mine):

And poor Al informed me that he spent most of the night huddled on his side, blanketless and freezing.
What actually happened will forever remain a mystery.
The end.


  1. Hey, I'm glad you have a blog. And I hope you sleep better tonight.

  2. Kourt, spider monkey is such a fitting nickname for you...one of these days Ali will probably wake up with your retainer stuck in his hair with drool dripping down his face and your pants tied around his neck and then we'll really wonder what happened. :)

  3. Haaaa!!!!!! I'm glad that other people still wear their retainer to bed.
